Virtual Desktop With TigerVNC
​First open up a terminal with MobaXterm and log into the server.
Execute the following command:
vncserver -localhost no​
The command prompt will return information. Take note of the first line. For example:
​New Xtigervnc server 'fishCube:3 (mark)' on port 5903 for display :3.
The number that is returned ('3' or '5903') tells you which session you created. Remember this number.
Once created, you can close down your terminal. You own that session until you explicitly kill it (command: vncserver -kill :3) or the server restarts.​​
Launch TigerVNC to get the following console:

In the dialog box, type the following:
X is your session number. For example, following the previous example, you would type: fishCube:5903
If that doesn't work, then try using: serverIP:590X
Hit Connect and your session should launch (eventually).